Decorate Your
Life Engineering!

Our Consultation Will Help You to Manage
Your Residence & Commercials With Environment Management
We Are Flexible
1. Water Management
2. Air Management
3. Soil Management
4. Food Management
5. Plastic Waste Management
1. Water Management
Water Resources Management (WRM) is the process of planning, developing and managing water resources, in terms of both water quantity, quality and balancing across all water uses.
2. Air Management
Air Management (AM) is the process of planning, developing, and managing Natural resources of Air, in terms of both Air In and Out balancing across all Air uses.
3. Soil Management
Example: Good management of soils ensures that mineral elements do not become deficient or toxic to plants, and that appropriate mineral elements enter the food chain. Soil management is important, both directly and indirectly, to crop productivity, environmental sustainability, and human health. Example: Soil management is the application of operations, practices, and treatments to protect soil and enhance its performance It includes soil conservation. Example: The goal of good soil management is to meet essential plant needs. Healthy plants need water, nutrients, oxygen, and a physical medium that allows seeds to germinate, shoots to emerge and grow up toward the sunlight, and roots to anchor the plant by growing strong and deep. Example: Soils that are properly managed for soil quality produce healthier, higher-yielding crops. Managing soil organic matter is extremely important because organic matter plays a role in almost all aspects of soil quality.
4. Food Management
Example: Crop management is the set of agricultural practices performed to improve the growth, development and yield of crops. It begins with a seedbed preparation, sowing of seeds and crop maintenance; and ends with crop harvest, storage and marketing. Example: A program that focuses on the application of biological principles to the production and management of livestock Animals, Birds and Fishing the production and handling of meat supply to Market / guidance of supply.
a. Agriculture (Hi-Tech) Open Field
b. Agriculture (Hi-Tech) Closed Field
c. Horticulture Setups & Solutions
d. Micro Agriculture Setups (Kitchen garden on Terrace)
e. Micro Horticulture Setups (Ornament Garden at Balcony)
f. Agri & Horticulture Watering Setup
g. Nursery Setups
h. Vegitables Supply
i. Fruits Supply
j. Meat Supply
5. Plastic Waste Management
Example: According to the scientific researches it is impossible to destroy the plastic and the birth of the plastic is equal to distraction of the ENVIRONMENT, practicing the dilution of the plastic can bring the contribution to some extend to SAVE the ENVIRONMENT
a. Collection of the Used Plastic
b. Plastic Recycling Conversion
c. Recycled Plastic Market Supply
Ongoing Projects